
Create animated 2019 on terminal

The above animation can be generated on the termnal using the following script.

Save the script as and run on the terminal to generate the animation.

Create a countdown to 2019

Save the following script as

Run the script as

It should generate a countup from 2016,2017,2018 and 2019 on the terminal with random colors made up of *.

Making the changes in resolv.conf permanent

The previous post we modified resolv.conf to get the internet connectivity back. The problem with the solution is that the resolv.conf file gets overwritten on every boot. To make the changed dns name server permanent we the need to update the file

Update the contents of the file above with the line

Save the file and restart the networking

On the next reboot you should see the dns server nadded to the file resolv.conf.

wifi connected but No interent in ubuntu 18.04 after upgrade

After upgrade to ubutnu 18.04, the intenet connections both wired and wireless showed that they were connected but the internet was not working.

The issue turned to be wrong DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf

In the above resolv.conf file add the line

To change the resolv.conf open the file /etc/resolv.conf as root and add the abov line. Save the file and restart networking using

unable to launch vmplayer 14

After installing vmplayer 14 in ubuntu 18.04 player might fail to launch with vmmon modules failing to compile with errors


To get around these errors we will need to modify the code of vmmon as given in and To do the above mentioend changes, you can follow the following steps. Go to the folder

Untar the folder vmmon.tar

This will create a folder vmmon-only which will contain the code for the module vmmon.Now we can follow the changes mentioned in the above two links in the respective files.

After doing the changes recreate the vmmon.tar using the following command

Now we should be able to launch vmplayer and the modules should get compiled successfully.

Basic Char driver for kernel version 4.15.0

In the post, Example Char driver, the code for a basic charchater driver is given along with the steps to insert it into the kernel and create a char device. The following is the updated code for the same driver tested for the kernel version 4.15.0.To test the working of the driver please use the code given in post User access for example driver

tar Cannot stat: No such file or directory

tar is a command used to create an archive for the folder to combine the contents of a folder into one archive. If we want to create an archive for the folder named xyz, as xyz.tar , running the command as shown below will throw an error

The problem is because of the wrong sequence of options being passed to the tar command. To get around the error the sequence of options to be passed is as below.

The above command will run with out errors and it should be able to create xyz.tar.