
Creating animated 2018 on the terminal

In the post "Creating 2018 on the terminal" we created 2018 on the terminal. Here is a small extension to the same, to make it appear on character at a time giving it the effect of an animation.

Save the script as and run it in the terminal

You should see 2017 appear one character at a time on the terminal.

Creating 2018 on the terminal

Here is a bash script which can be used to create the text 2018 on the terminal using any characher of your choice.

We have entered "&" as the character, and you should see the output as shown below.

There was error copying file to media... error splicing file.

While copying a large file into a pen drive or any other external storage system if you get the error

As shown in the image below.

The error is because FAT filesystem does not seem to support copying files which are too large. So to work around this problem you will have to make the pen drive into a NTFS file system. Which can be done easily using the command mkfs.ntfs

Connect the pendrive and find out the partition number using the command

From the list of partitions, note the partition number of the pen drive that has to be converted to NTFS. Be very careful cause of you use the wrong partition you will loose all the data in it. Let us assume the partition is /dev/sdb1

unmount the partition using umount

Now to convert it to ntfs

Creating NTFS partition might take some time depending on the size of the disk. Once the formatting is done, any file size can be copied into it.