1. Error 17 while trying to reinstall the grub
2. Unable to use a partition, even after formatting it and freeing it in windows.
3. Uninstall Linux
4. Reset Root Password
5. To make sudo not ask a password
6. Complile c++ on ubuntu
7. Modifying GRUB
8. Mount of filesystem failed
9. Invalid ABI Option abi=aapcs-linux
10. Missing battery and network icons from the panel
11. Right click to launch terminal in Ubuntu genome
12. Opening a .chm file in ubuntu
13. ‘cout’ was not declared in this scope
14. Resotre Ubuntu Panels
15. Enbaling Atheros AR8151 on ubuntu
16. Your session lasted for less than 10 seconds
17. png_info has no member named trans
18. tasklist_lock, tasklist_unlock are not exported by the kernel any more
19. Netwroking Disabled
20. Using NTLMAPS with Fedora
21. Grub error 17
22. Ubuntu 10.04 does not add the windows entry to grub menu
23. libtrermcap.so.2 no such file or directory
24. glibc Error: suffix or operands invalid for `fnstsw' change int to short