
Example of using getnstimeofday in linux kernel

The linux kernel provides a number of interfaces to manage time. getnstimeofday is one of them, which gives the time in seconds and nanoseconds . The function is implemented in "timekeeping32.h" and returns a structure of the type timespec which has two members.

To print the time, we only need to print the values of tv_sec and tv_nsec which gets filled by the call to the function getnstimeofday.

In the following example code, we have created a proc entry called gettime, which prints out the values of seconds and nanoseconds when read.

Save the above code as proc_read_gettimeofday.c and compile the code using the following makefile.

Compile and insert the module using

To see the output, just read the proc entry gettime, using the cat command.

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